4 Adverse Impacts of the Internet on Scholar's Life in Writing Dissertations

Dissertation Help

How do students react if they learn that there will be no internet for them the whole day? Does this cause any problems in day-to-day life? The answer to the question is yes; they will become restless because there will be no internet for them and they will be unable to complete their tasks. It has quotes from top-level psychologists saying there are a large number of scholars who are dependent on the internet for their daily needs. They use the internet more if they are assigned a bunch of academic tasks and have no knowledge or time. It makes them seek help with dissertation from online platforms to get the assistance needed for academic success. 

Impact of the Internet Era

When the internet era came, it created a kind of dependency among the students because everything was accurate on the online platforms. When it comes to them, they try to take full advantage of it. The habit of constantly getting everything on the internet will become disastrous and it will affect their learning habits. This same issue comes to students when they write lengthy academic tasks. Here the coursework help plays the role to assist scholars to write such complex projects.

4 Adverse Impacts of the Internet

These are the four adverse impacts of the internet on scholars' lives and how they can cope with them. The following pointers will help them understand its use and how it can hamper their studies.

  • Physical Issues Due to the Use of Computer
  • Creates Dependency on Everything
  • Leads to Depressing Thoughts
  • Creates Low Self Esteem

Physical Issues Due to the Use of Computer

Constantly sitting in front of the computer and surfing websites harms the health and mind of scholars. Spending all day on the internet and trying to figure out the answers to the assignments is not the right thing to do. It creates a dependency on seeking information on the internet which causes several problems like wastage of time, no additional knowledge and the most essential one decreases the working of the brain to create creative thoughts. It usually happens when scholars think they will spend only half an hour on the internet but eventually spend hours on it. It will decrease the efficiency of the brain which is not the right thing to do. It will lead to physical constraints that will lower performance and efficiency.

Creates Dependency on Everything

When they are assigned these assignments, they immediately turn to the internet to seek assistance with no self-awareness It makes school life easy because everything comes on the plate they have nothing to do but take help from online platforms. The main part that comes around is social media. They get so involved in it that they often skip the assignments. This type of dependency makes everything messy, and they cannot focus on one particular aspect. It is one of the areas where the scholar's mind is not functioning accurately. 

Leads to Depressing Thoughts

It is one of the adverse impacts that opens the door to depression. Experts have discovered that people who spend time on the internet are becoming more depressed. Eventually, it turns into something worse, which can harm scholars. They may feel isolated while surfing the internet because they compare their lives with how other people are living their lives.

Creates Low Self Esteem

The one thing that comes with the continuous use of the internet is that it creates low self-esteem in the students. They attempt to compare their work and other aspects to the success of others. Especially when it comes to academic success, they often compare their success with others, like how they are performing and what they are doing, because if others get good scores and have done the same research, it automatically lowers their self-esteem. 


These are the four adverse impacts of the internet on scholar's life, especially when they deal with assignments. It will help them understand why they should not use the internet when they can use their creative minds. But this doesn't happen always. They seek help with dissertation from online platforms to get accurate guidance. Try to learn from the information above and do the tasks by yourself.



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